Why Egg Size is Important!

Eggs work as the binding agent in cakes, so it’s super important to get the egg size right. Too much egg, you’ve got an over-eggy taste and too little, a dry crumbly mess.

Eggs are also the main reason I don’t have a plethora of vegan recipes. But I’m actively working on it, I’ve got a delicious vegan banana bread recipe I’ve developed so far. Let me know what vegan alternatives you use in the comments below!

In my recipes I will always state what size egg to use. In general I tend to use large eggs but you may see the occasional recipe with medium eggs. I made this table to show you how to figure out an egg size so you don’t have to ages scouring the web to find out I did when I first started baking!

Egg Sizes.PNG

UK/EU Egg Sizes: Small <53g | Medium 53g-63g | Large 64g-73g | Extra Large >73g

It’s also important to note that I’m a British baker and American & Canadian egg sizes work slightly differently. If you’re based in the States and using any of my recipes, always size up. So if my recipe says to use a medium egg, use a large egg, and if it says to use a large egg use an extra large egg.

For my fellow Brits or Europeans, when following American or Canadian recipes always size down. If they call for a large egg, use a medium egg and if they call for an extra large egg use a large egg and so on and so forth!

British & American egg sizes are just the tip of the iceberg, if you’re using my recipes and are based in a country with different egg sizes please get in touch if you need any help converting egg sizes!

Happy Baking!

- OsiBakes